Wednesday, August 7, 2019

White Supremacy is a lie.

I for one am sick and tired of being labeled a racist white supremacist psychopath simply because I’m a white male.  White men who are conservative and own weapons (including AR and AK type rifles) are being grouped in with the whack job shooters of Ohio and El Paso.  

Even Christianity Today is printing articles citing “white supremacy” as the cause of the recent shootings.  

Since when do the actions of one deranged psychopath speak for an entire portion of society?  How can the actions of one white male make all white males guilty?  Since when do the actions and words of the El Paso shooter determine the thinking of all white males?  The whole thing is asinine and ridiculous. 

But of course this narrative is being driven by the media who has proven over and over that they: hate conservative thinking people, support disarming the public, support socialist/communist policies of rule, and believe there is no place for the God of the Bible in society. 

The real tragedy is so many men who call themselves “Pastors” believe the white supremacy narrative being spouted by the press.  I am amazed how many of these men in influential positions in large churches do not think for themselves.

Banning what they call “assault rifles” (a deceptive misnomer) will solve absolutely nothing.  The recent push for “red flag” laws will simply give Politicians the ability to red flag anyone that disagrees with them.  It is a slippery slope my friends.    

Violence has been around since Cain and Abel and will be around until Jesus creates a new heaven and earth.  By the way Cain and Abel were brothers.  They were the same race and had the same mom and dad.  Yet Cain killed Abel and committed the first murder.

The issue is not white supremacy or any other “fill in the blank” excuse.  The issue is the evil in men’s hearts (not the muscle in the chest but the brain in the head).  I’m a white male, I was born that way.  I grew up on various Navy Bases around the country.  I had black friends, Asian friends, and any other “label” out there.  In my career as a Police Officer I worked with people of different sexual orientations than mine.   I even worked with people of different political views than mine. 

What is amazing is that we got along just fine with one another.  I know that’s hard to swallow but it’s the truth.  White supremacy is not rampant in this country.  White males are not the bane of our existence.  

Most white males I know work their tails off to support their families.  They do not have the time nor the interest to do the things they are being accused of.

It is time that people of influence (in the church and in politics) think for themselves and quit drinking the Kool aid being poured in copious amounts by the enemies of this country.  The enemy can be found in any institution that openly lies to support a Godless agenda that takes away the freedom of the individual. Look around and think for yourself.  Their evil schemes will become clear as day.

1 comment:

FAR said...

Mark, it is time for those of us with influence to inform our people that the liberal conspiracy to defraud the citizens of their government must be resisted. Time to pray and time to be prepared to resist if need be. I am not sure what form a resistance might take but I am asking the Lord for wisdom. I encourage you to do the same. Al