Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Guess I may end up in jail one day.

Since I believe in absolutes I will most likely be labeled a nutjob, old fashioned, bigot, narrow minded, a homophobic and a racist. Since I believe that the God of the Bible is the One true God, and since I believe the only way to spend eternity with Him is by way of His Son, Jesus Christ, I will become a religious right wing nut. Since I believe that Jesus Christ will one day return and defeat the enemies of the Cross by shedding the blood of millions (see Revelation 14.20), I will probably be labeled a member of a right wing extremist group.

Since I am not progressive, since I believe that history repeats itself, since I think "enlightened men" are in the dark, then I will be considered old fashioned and "behind the times". Since I believe that God created all nations to be sovereign from one another and that the promotion of a one world government is against His principles, I will be considered dangerous and probably put on some watch list somewhere.

Since I like guns, like to shoot guns, buy guns, teach people how to shoot guns, and support the death penalty; I will be labeled, again, a right wing extremist.

Since, when it comes to my faith, I am not afraid to "rock the boat" and speak what I know to be facts from Scripture, I will be looked upon with contempt and may become the target of a jihad.
Since I think the whole "prosperity gospel" movement is a sham from hell, I will be labeled unloving, unforgiving, and unenlightened. The "progressive pastors of prosperity" can go right on deceiving the masses but I know their message for what it is, like I said, a sham from hell.

There is no one I need or want to impress. I could care less what people think about me. I DO care what Jesus Christ thinks of me. He is the one I must one day stand before. So join me if you will and become a member of the body of Christ. Persecution is guaranteed but the eternal benefits are beyond comprehension.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Run Forrest run.

I watched "Forrest Gump" tonight, this was my 4th or 5th time watching the movie. I love that movie. Forrest represents all of us in one sense or another. He is simple in everything he says yet his observations are profound. Everything he does are things that are, on the surface, common yet he excels in all of them. Yes, it is just a story, a novel, a fairy tale but the character speaks to all of us.

Why is it that we cheer and clap when the nobody gets the prize. Why is it that we love to see the "little guy" get the reward, the "underdog" win the game. Forrest, who in the movie has a low I.Q. succeeds at all he does. Have you ever wondered why that appeals to us.. I think it has something to do with "beating the odds". Forrest knew that he was "slow" yet he never let that get in the way of what he wanted to do. And everything he did he did it 100% all the way, no holds barred, no holding back.

Lt. Dan remained his "Lt." in spite of continuous ridicule. "Jenny" remained his lady love in spite of continuous rejection. Ahh, it is just a movie, but it explodes with truth, honesty, compassion, romance, and most of all...love.

There is a lesson in that for us all. Forrest was "slow" yet he focused on whatever the task was at the moment and gave his all. He did not care about social expectations or norms, he did not care about what people thought about him or his shortcomings, he did not care about the odds or failures...he just focused and got the job done.

Perhaps there is more to the "simple life" than meets the eye.