Wednesday, December 28, 2011

November 2012

I can't help it. I find myself having to comment on politics again, something I said I would not do anymore. But keep in mind that anything written on this blog comes from a Biblical perspective.
2012 is an election year. This coming November, America will once again elect a president. It will either be the incumbent (Obama) or one of about six GOP candidates. On this blog I wrote two entries about Obama. The dates are 09/16/08 and 11/04/08. Both of them are rather sarcastic but unfortunately just about everything in them has come true. I am by no means a prophet or something like that but I am a student of history. If Obama gets re-elected I highly suspect this country will be a completely different place four years from now. The man is a socialist pure and simple. He and his administration is taking this country down a road toward globalism.
As Christians we must always be aware of the aim of the enemy. Satan is subtle. We must keep in mind that the Bible prophesies of a one world government and a one world religion. When I see Obama trying his best to discredit our Constitution and drive us to globalism; and when I see him bow to a Saudi King, well I begin to wonder just who it is that motivates him. One thing I can tell you for a fact, it is not the God of the Bible much less Jesus Christ.
Regarding the approaching election. Anyone is better than Obama. This has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans or any other political party. This has everything to do with the American way of life. Yes, it really is that serious. Yes, it really has come to that. The health care bill that Obama is shoving down the American throat is just the beginning. If he gets re-elected Obamacare will be instituted in full force. And after that, there will be more programs designed to give the government more control.
I leave you with a quote from a French Historian named Alexis DeTocqueville, he lived in the 1800s.

"After having thus successively taken each member
of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will,
the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community.
It covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated
rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and
the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd.
The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided;
men seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained
from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence;
it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and
stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than
a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government
is the shepherd."
Consider these words well and vote Obama out of office.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

History is cool.

I remember when I was in college taking a course in Western Civilization. Since I am a history buff I absolutely loved it. The Professor, I think his name was Dr. Ridgely, gave tests in a unique way; at least it was unique to me. Instead of 50 or 100 multiple choice questions or something like that he gave us small booklets with about 10 lined blank pages. He would give five questions, we had to answer three of them.

A test question would be similar to this: "Describe the major events in Western Europe between 1800-1825?" or "List the reasons why the Nazi party was able to gain power in Germany?" Our answers would then be written like a short story describing said events. The course covered two semesters, I made an "A" in both courses. I was successful because I loved the subject and you had to STUDY to answer the questions.

This post is written in support of history. I read a newspaper article one time where teenagers were asked "what is your least favorite subject in school?" One of the answers was history because it has no benefit whatsoever. I beg to differ. History in my opinion is the most important subject taught in school. History teaches us about our past and the mistakes that were made that led to wars or major blunders that had far reaching effects. But history must be studied in it's purest form. History is not a compilation of opinions or interpretations that the author wants to publish. As an example, I am not the least interested in a person's opinion of why the Civil War began. What I want to know are the FACTS, the actions, the events that took place leading up to the Civil War.

Too often today, history is being revised to say something that it is not. Instead of getting the facts, kids today are getting political slants on what the author wants the kids to hear or see. This is a dangerous precedent. You can interview any of my kids and they will tell you that I constantly want to know what they are being taught in school regarding history. It is important.

Consider the protesters of the "occupy wall street" movement. Most of them, I believe are young college graduates. They have been told that big business and corporations are responsible for the economic mess we are in. They have been encouraged to protest the heads of big corporations because they make too much money. Yet, a study of history would reveal that our current economic crisis began with policies introduced by Teddy Roosevelt and expanded by Woodrow Wilson. Is that my opinion, not hardly, these are FACTS of recorded history.

My challenge to young people, learn the facts of history and then draw your own conclusions. Do not become a lemming and waste your time following some political ideologue.

And by the way, who cares how much money a CEO makes. It's none of my business nor is it any of yours. It's a waste of time and a distraction to worry about such things.