Sunday, July 20, 2008

A tribute to Police Officers.

One of the greatest professions on this planet is the Police Officer. Only those who are in the profession, retired from it, or married to someone in it can appreciate what a Police Officer does. I have spent the last 17 yrs. of my life in law enforcement so I know that of which I speak. Police officers have a multi-facted job. They give new meaning to the term "multi-tasking". He or she is expected to be a mediator, counselor, consoler, writer, speaker, fighter, and a shooter (among many other things) at any given moment. He or she has to decide in a split second which course of action will eliminate the threat, without hurting himself or anyone else in the periphery.

Police work truly is like a box of chocolates; on any given call you never know what you are going to get. Any call can go from simple to life threatening in a moment's time. He or she must always be ready for anything and everything all the time. A traffic stop can turn into a gunfight, a dispute can become a fight for your life, I could go on and on..

But I write this as a tribute to all the men and women in this country who are police officers. We have a brotherhood/sisterhood that is almost mystical. Perhaps it is because we put our lives on the line everyday for the public and our fellow officers. We do and see things that no one else has seen or done. You are special, never forget that.

It has truly been one of the greatest honors of my life working in Jacksonville Florida as a Police Officer. I will never forget the people I worked with and the supervisors I worked for. I was blessed to always have professional caring people around me all the time.

Zone 5, watch 4, gold squad. The E.T. unit. Zone 3, watch 6, blue squad. Zone 3, watch 2 and 3, gold squad. You guys and gals are the best. Stay safe always.

I will always remember and pray for all of you, not just those I worked with but everyone who straps on a gunbelt everyday to serve and protect.

I can tell you for a fact that my congregation will always remember the men and women of law enforcement; for, every Sunday, when we meet I will be thinking of you. And I will lift you up before the Father in the name of the Son by the power of the Spirit; asking Him to watch over you, protect you and lead you to a personal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

Remember, the greatest warrior in history is Jesus Christ. The term "Lord of Hosts" in the Old Testament literally means, "Lord of the angelic armies". He is the one who we all serve, whether we believe it or not, He is..

Romans 13.4 says this, "For he (the police officer) is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil (criminals), be afraid; for he (the police officer) beareth not the sword (deadly force) in vain: for he is a minister of God (God ordained our profession), a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil"

You gotta love that...........

As I move on in my life to other things, remember that you are loved and missed.

Vincit Omnia Veritas
(Truth conquers all)