Thursday, October 13, 2011

He will win

Mark 10.32-34
His mind a swirling vortex of emotion, his road has finally led to this end. His fear and anticipation, so strong that he exudes it, breathes it. It hangs in the air like a pallor. The atmosphere is thick with the coming clash of good vs. evil. His whole life has been lived for this day that is fast approaching. He walks the road ahead of his faithful followers. They know that something is amiss. They can see it in his eyes, the can sense it in his face, they can feel it in his demeanor. The people, the common man who for months had watched him do incredible things now sense the fear and anxiety of the road he walks. He walks it alone for only he is worthy. The sun is hot, the dust is dry, but he walks on steadfast. He is sure of his mission. His resolve is unwavering. He will accomplish what he has set out to do. He will win the war. He will set things right. He will win. No one can stop him now. The host of hell will try but they will be defeated. His mind is set, his face is like stone, his body will obey, his will is the one which will overcome. And he will win. Since eternity past he has seen this road. He has always known that it was ahead of him. He has always known that his destiny was here, now, on this road outside the ancient city of Jerusalem. As he walks, he sees the fear of the people, he senses the anxiety of his disciples. His love for them is such that they will not understand until this road is walked. Love beyond human comprehension, yes, that is why he does it; that is why he walks it. And this love compels him, drives him to keep walking , ever higher, ever closer to the greatest event in creation. For 33 years now he has set aside his true nature. By his own choosing he has cloaked his divine power and privilege for the sake ofthose he loves. And now his love will at last be displayed in it’s fullest measure. It will require him to experience a pain and a terror he has never experienced. But he will do it none theless. He will endure. He will win. He has always known his father. He has always been face to face with his father. He and his father have always been in fellowship, a perfect relationship that goes beyond time. But he knows that for those he loves, that relationship must for a time be broken…and it scares him beyond reason. This is the source of his fear and anxiety. It is not the physical pain he will endure but the anticipated brake in fellowship with his father. But he will do it, he must do it, he willfulfill the mission for which he came. And so he walks the road ever onward to his destiny. He will win.

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