It is early fall in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The nights are a little cooler and the days are not hot but just warm, usually the low 80s during the day and the mid fifties at night. The leaves have not yet changed color but they will soon. We had a hot dry summer which makes for less color in the fall. Bow season opened four days ago. We have seen deer but have not been able to shoot at any just yet. High school football is a weekly delight. In our case, for now, it is Junior High football on Thursday's but it is a great privilege to see our son playing every week.
Our other son is a freshman at Ouichita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. He also is doing well studying Music Theatre all of which is paid for by way of scholarships; scholarships which he earned.
Soon, we will be burning fires almost every night. Sitting on our back porch enjoying incredible sunsets in the quiet and serenity of the rural Ouichita mountains. I am blessed beyond reason. I am married to an incredible woman, we have all four of our kids no more than an hour away from our house. I am doing the job that I love more than anything, that is teaching the Word of God and Pastoring a church full time.
The world we live in is full of uncertainty yet the world in our neck of the woods is more than I could ask for. I do not have the time to go into how my family and I ended up here but know that it came about as a result of putting feet to our faith.
Coming here was truly a step into the unknown but time has proved that it was the right decision to make. If anyone reading this is faced with a decision, know that the one that demands faith is the right one to make. God never promises a smooth road or even a clear path. What He does promise is that faith will be rewarded.
Hebrews 11.1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
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