I recently read a document published by the Department of Homeland Security titled: Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment. The document details the current "threat" in America of the resurgence of right wing extremist groups in the continental U.S.A. A right wing extremist group is usually a well armed, small group of individuals who propagate an ideology centered in nationalism or racism. Neo-nazi's, skinheads, etc.. fall into this category. The report warns that, because of the election of the first African American President and the down turn in the economy, these groups are seeking new recruits in the form of returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan who are disenheartened by the current state of the union. However, when one reads the document it is apparent that the current definition of "extremist" covers a wide variety of the U.S. population.
For example, the document indicates that the increase in the purchase of firearms and the "stockpiling" of ammunition may be indicative of the rise of right wing extremism. The increase in the purchase of firearms and ammunition can be directly linked to bills and policies that have been introduced or are about to be introduced by the current administration.
These bills such as the labeling of every bullet appear to me to be more Government infringement on our right to bear arms. Yet the Department of Homeland Security labels the rise in the sale of firearms and ammunition as a red flag indicator of the rise in right wing extremism. Therefore, according to DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) if I buy more bullets I could easily fall under the umbrella of right wing extremism.
On pg. 4 of the document under the heading, "Economic Hardship and Extremism" you can read the following statement.
"Anti government conspiracy theories and "end times" prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weapons. The teachings also have been linked with the radicalization of domestic extremist individuals and groups in the past, such as violent Christian identity organizations and extremist members of the militia movement."
I'm not really sure what the DHS is trying to say with the reference to "end times" prophecies. I am currently teaching the book of Revelation at our church. The book has much to say on the "end times" of the current dispensation. Perhaps I'm being paranoid but it is not a far fetch for me to be labeled a right wing extremist because I am teaching what the Bible has to say about the "end times".
As a part of good planning for unexpected natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes, a person will normally "stockpile" food and other items such as ammunition for hunting game etc. This to me and everyone I know is common sense.
So now, If I stockpile food and ammunition and teach the book of Revelation what am I; a man of common sense following the leadership of the Holy Spirit or a radical right wing extremist who is a member of a "violent Christian identity" organization.
Finally, the report closes with the assessment that "lone wolves and small terrorist cells" embracing violent right wing ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the U.S. Oh, OK, I guess all those violent Mexican drug gangs and members of Al-Queda crossing our southern border are not that big of a deal.
To read the document itself go here and click on "DHS Rightwing Extremism Report" on the center of the page.
I am a follower of Jesus Christ. He and He alone holds the destiny of this country and this world in His Awesome and Capable Hands. I have no idea how long Jesus will delay before He raptures His church Home. But I do know that the pressure on His Church will increase "as the day approaches". I do not put my trust in any government or man made institution. I put my trust in my Savior and King, Jesus Christ. And you know what...that brings me great Peace.
So cheer up, smile, and enjoy the ride.
The DHS report makes no mention of specific threats or specific groups that could pose a threat. The report is, at best, a waste of time and taxpayer dollars, or, at worst, a strong indication of the left-wing bias now pervading the Department of Homeland Security.
But I have to admit that I see the report more as a prelude to the fact that the Obama administration is going to eventually cook itself right out of power. They have not leared the lessons of history and have instead chosen to walk in the door and start running the place with a strong agenda. Past administrations that have tried that have failed. Remember Clinton's whole "don't ask, don't tell" debacle? Or how about Hillary's Universal Health Care bill?
I see this is an example of how Obama's inexperience is going to turn out to be ineptitude, a reply of Jimmy Carter. And here's the big difference: Carter is at least a true man of Christ. He's far too liberal for my liking, and he was a miserable failure of a president, but if you've ever read much about him personally, you know that he is a truly religious man.
Now jump to Obama. Not only am I not convinced that he is a man of Christ, I don't even believe that he is a Christian. He has made way too many overtures to the Muslim world to satisfy me that his Muslim roots aren't his true faith, if he has any faith at all. Ultimately, it will catch up to him, and I think he knows it. I'm becoming more and more convinced that he has no intention of seeking a second term. I think it is his plan to push through as much of his left-wing agenda as he can before the people wise up and start making informed decisions about their voting choices.
As for me, I plan to keep doing what I'm doing, keep living a life in Christ, and keep searching for ways to make myself useful to society. God will take care of the rest.
01-21-2013: Change you can believe in!
obama does NOT seek the guidance of Christ to make his decions.
I think his agenda is quite clear:
He bows to foreign dignitaries, makes nice with Hugo Chavez, exposes our classified documents to the terriorists, continues to apologize for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (the country he "loves"), and he has sent our country into bankruptcy.
There is NO question. This man does not represent the U.S.A. It's strength and fruition have been founded on our belief in God, and the principles and moral laws he set for us.
I firmly believe his muslim roots are showing. He has encased himself with like minds, and has no intention of winning a second election.
Make the drastic changes, leave people in office who may be able to continue his horific changes, and escape before the fallout.
This is not just political, it's prophetic. When and where God will return is his knowledge, and his alone, but we, as Christians must be prepared.
The DHS means nothing to God. He has his own army. Pray, witness, and be prepared.
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