How many of you have ever watched Star Trek? How many of you have ever watched the Star Trek remade that came out in the early 2000s? Do you remember Patrick Stewart who played Captain John Luke Picard of the star ship Enterprise, I do. He played the part beautifully. One of my favorite episodes was his fight against "the Borg". The Borg were a collective of half human half robot creatures that thought, acted, and responded to the same "signal". A signal that originated from some alien intelligence whose goal was the "assimilation" of anyone or anything in their path. They travel across the galaxy in a ship shaped like a cube. As they come to another spacecraft or planet they say one thing, "resistance is futile, surrender, or you will be assimilated".
In our world today we have our very own equivalent of the borg. Welcome to the U.N. (United Nations). The goal of the U.N. is the assimilation of the planet. They want every nation to join "the collective" and become a part of the global village.
In America the borg came calling at the turn of the century under the guise of "progressivism". And the sole desire of the progressive is to join the United States of America with the Borg...I mean the U.N.
I quote http://gunslingersjournal.blogspot.com/ below regarding this insanity.
They've Been To College. They Know Better.
The Progressive Statists in Washington will not be happy until every single facet of your life is under their control. Regulating individual liberty out of existence is their goal.
The Progressive Statists in Washington will not be happy until every single facet of your life is under their control. Regulating individual liberty out of existence is their goal.
Never doubt it.
Here is their latest target. We will have No. Way. Out.
But one.
Read, my dears, the history of Progressivism. I suggest you start with this book:
American Progressivism: A Reader, by Ron Pestritto
Recognizing Progressivism, which leached into our public sphere about the turn of the last century from German universities via the American "elite" who attended them, helps to understand exactly what went wrong with our country, and why we have the "In the Public Interest/Social Justice/Bobble-Headed Boob as "President" who never met a person he didn't want to regulate.
And why Republican presidents.....aaaaaaahchewbush (God bless me)...have taken us down the same road, only a little more slowly.
Progressivism: The idea that government should run everything...because we've outgrown the Founders' nonsense of "tyrannical" government. We've "progressed", and government is now the only way that we can create the paradise on earth that all progressed and enlightened people want....collectively....don't you know.
Now....note, this is out of Germany. At the turn of the last century. Before Hitler.
Does anyone see the irony here? And yet, even the advent of the Nazi Government...making everything so nice for all its citizens...didn't make the irrational Progressives doubt their own propaganda.
The Progressives still believe that government control of all facets of life is not only the FASTEST way, or the BEST way, but the ONLY way to create the sort of happy, free, fulfilling life for all... that the Founders intended...but foolishly imagined their limited government would supply for all people in all ages.
Silly Founders. They were so limited. So short-sighted. So parochial. So Provincial.
And their stupid Constitution, which limits glorious government is the bane of the existence of Progressives. And they will do whatever they can get away with to undermine, distort, ignore and eventually, discard it.
International Law Treaties, anyone??
Read. Learn. Fight.
Obama is the dull, petulant, frustrated, scurvy face of the New American Progressive.
You have to be controlled so that those who know better can create the perfect society...in spite of your backward, selfish, individuality that undermines the perfection of the socially minded, cooperative collective. You only imagine you want individual freedom and independence because you have not "progressed" or "evolved" enough to understand what is really best for you. And since your so recalcitrant...you have to be made to "cooperate" for your own good.
But once you've been assimilated into the collective, you're going to be so content...and realize that they were right all along. But in the meantime, your criminal, anti-social insistence on "individual liberty" is just PISSING THEM SERIOUSLY OFF.
And it has got to stop.Welcome to the New America....that ZerO is busy "remaking".
The Gunslinger
And Mark says:
Jeremiah 33.3, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".
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