Friday, November 7, 2008

A new leaf

I realized recently, by way of the Holy Spirit, that writing about politics is a waste of time. Therefore, unless I am led otherwise, I no longer plan to write anything related to politics. Instead, I want to make this blog a place of refuge for the downtrodden and hopeless. I want to talk about the Bible and the incredible story found there. A story that is true and happenning as I write.

At our church we are currently studying the "types of Christ in the Old Testament" on Sunday mornings and the book of Revelation on Wednesday nights. I have taught the types of Christ before yet I am amazed once again how much of the O.T. shadows Jesus Christ. A type is a foreshadowing of something. So types of Christ are shadows, signposts, arrows, etc. in the O.T. that point to the Messiah. It is important to remember that salvation in any dispensation of human history comes by way of Jesus Christ. In the O.T. the beliver looked forward to Messiah who would one day come to provide salvation to any and all who believe. So also in the c/a (the one we are in now) believers look back to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (O.T. Messiah) and the salvation which He won. From the days of Adam salvation has always been by faith alone in Christ alone.

The Lord made me realize that there is plenty of talk on the internet about politics and all things worldly but not nearly enough about what really matters, that being, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is much better for me to teach Bible doctrine on this blog instead of spouting about socialism and all that other stuff.

I think sometime in the next day or two I will begin with the Angelic conflict and go forward from there. My goal is to teach in such a way that it will seem more like reading a story as opposed to point by point. After all, God's story is one that is most awesome and interesting indeed. The Great and Holy God of creation, the King of the universe creates a race of beings known as angels. These angels have the ability to choose good or bad. All is wll until one chooses to put himself on a pedastal and become like God. Well, that is the beginning of the angelic conflict.

If you are interested visit again sometime.

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