Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Day Mankind Died.

Now for the death of humanity.

There is a theory among Theologians called "The Gap Theory" which states that there is an undetermined amount of time between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2.  Personally, I think it is not a theory but a fact.  Genesis 1.1 tells us that God created the Heavens and the earth.  When God creates, it is good and perfect.  So why does the next verse read "Now the earth became a wreck and a ruin" (that is what the original Hebrew states).  What made the earth a wreck and a ruin? How did God's good creation become wrecked and ruined?  The answer is the fall of Lucifer which I discussed in my last entry.  When he fell, it all went to hell in a handbasket.  

Therefore, the account of Genesis ch. 1 is not "the creation" of the earth but the "re-creation" of the earth.  It was restored to its former perfect state for the purpose of resolving the angelic conflict.  And then God introduced the lower creature, Adam, into the picture and the trial of Lucifer son of the morning began in earnest.  God told Adam and Eve to rule the earth and enjoy it.  His only requirement was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil.  This tree was placed in the middle of the garden and was to be left alone.  Along comes Lucifer who convinces Eve to "give it a try".  He took the truth of Gods' word and twisted it to be something it was not.  This is always how he works.  Eve was deceived, ate the fruit, and died spiritually. Adam on the other hand sinned with his eyes wide open.  He chose the creation (Eve) over the Creator and he too died spiritually.  The question is, what happened, why did they die?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God they immediately experienced spiritual death.  Spiritual death is seperation from God.  The intimate fellowship between God and the first humans came to a screeching terrible halt on that fateful day.  Not only would man die spiritually but he would also die physically.  So man died twice that day, the spiritual death being far more devasting than the physical death.  

But God, in His grace provided a way out.  Genesis 3.15 is the promise of the Savior that would one day come.  And Adam and Eve, if they would exercise faith in that promise, would regain their spiritual life.  When God provided covering for Adam and Eve, he used animal skins.  This means that the blood of an animal had to be shed.  The blood of that animal provided atonement for the sin of Adam and Eve.  Accordingly, God, by providing the animal skin, recognized their faith in His promise.  One day, the ultimate sacrifice, The Son of God, would pay the price for the sins of the human race.  This is the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the Cross did way more than atone for sins.  His sacrifice PAID for the sins and removed the penalty of spiritual death.  But, every man must decide for him or her self to believe in Jesus Christ.  The question is:  Will you as an individual believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, paid for your sins, was in the grave, and was resurrected three days later. When an individual exercises faith in that fact God immediately gives that person eternal life and re-establishes the relationship that was lost.

This promise is true no matter what period of time in human history you live.  It is always faith alone in Christ alone.

In the garden, the human race died. God provided the solution by way of Jesus Christ who give life. 

Next time:  Dispensations. 

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