Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Day Mankind Died.

Now for the death of humanity.

There is a theory among Theologians called "The Gap Theory" which states that there is an undetermined amount of time between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2.  Personally, I think it is not a theory but a fact.  Genesis 1.1 tells us that God created the Heavens and the earth.  When God creates, it is good and perfect.  So why does the next verse read "Now the earth became a wreck and a ruin" (that is what the original Hebrew states).  What made the earth a wreck and a ruin? How did God's good creation become wrecked and ruined?  The answer is the fall of Lucifer which I discussed in my last entry.  When he fell, it all went to hell in a handbasket.  

Therefore, the account of Genesis ch. 1 is not "the creation" of the earth but the "re-creation" of the earth.  It was restored to its former perfect state for the purpose of resolving the angelic conflict.  And then God introduced the lower creature, Adam, into the picture and the trial of Lucifer son of the morning began in earnest.  God told Adam and Eve to rule the earth and enjoy it.  His only requirement was to not eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil.  This tree was placed in the middle of the garden and was to be left alone.  Along comes Lucifer who convinces Eve to "give it a try".  He took the truth of Gods' word and twisted it to be something it was not.  This is always how he works.  Eve was deceived, ate the fruit, and died spiritually. Adam on the other hand sinned with his eyes wide open.  He chose the creation (Eve) over the Creator and he too died spiritually.  The question is, what happened, why did they die?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God they immediately experienced spiritual death.  Spiritual death is seperation from God.  The intimate fellowship between God and the first humans came to a screeching terrible halt on that fateful day.  Not only would man die spiritually but he would also die physically.  So man died twice that day, the spiritual death being far more devasting than the physical death.  

But God, in His grace provided a way out.  Genesis 3.15 is the promise of the Savior that would one day come.  And Adam and Eve, if they would exercise faith in that promise, would regain their spiritual life.  When God provided covering for Adam and Eve, he used animal skins.  This means that the blood of an animal had to be shed.  The blood of that animal provided atonement for the sin of Adam and Eve.  Accordingly, God, by providing the animal skin, recognized their faith in His promise.  One day, the ultimate sacrifice, The Son of God, would pay the price for the sins of the human race.  This is the Gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the Cross did way more than atone for sins.  His sacrifice PAID for the sins and removed the penalty of spiritual death.  But, every man must decide for him or her self to believe in Jesus Christ.  The question is:  Will you as an individual believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, paid for your sins, was in the grave, and was resurrected three days later. When an individual exercises faith in that fact God immediately gives that person eternal life and re-establishes the relationship that was lost.

This promise is true no matter what period of time in human history you live.  It is always faith alone in Christ alone.

In the garden, the human race died. God provided the solution by way of Jesus Christ who give life. 

Next time:  Dispensations. 

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Angelic Conflict

In the book of Isaiah ch.14 and Ezekiel ch. 28 is the record of the fall of Lucifer.  Isaiah tells us why he fell, Ezekiel tells us how far he fell and what he fell from.  Lucifer was the most beautiful and intelligent creature to ever come from the hand of God.  He did not have a tail, horns, or a pitchfork.  He was in fact the most beautiful holy angel God created.  His intelligence is unmatched among created beings in the universe.  He is first and foremost.  The key though is that he "was created" by The Creator.  His original position was that of ceremonial guard of the throne of Jesus Christ.  Imagine the guards at Buckingham palace, they stand guard at the front gate but it is more for show than anything.  So also, Lucifer's supposed power and position was for show more than anything; since when does God need anyone to "guard His throne"..

But alas, it all went to his head and he decided that he wanted to "be like God", take over heaven, rule Jerusalem, and rule the angels.  This was his fall.  His pride got the best of him.  So the beautiful intelligent Lucifer was sentenced to the lake of fire.  The Bible indicates that lucifer appealed his sentence saying, "how can a loving God sentence one of His creatures to the lake of fire?" the response of the Father, "sit back a minute and I will show you".  And along came human history.  But for now, lets stay with the fall of lucifer a little longer.

The Bible tells us that Lucifer managed to convince 1/3 of the angelic host to take part in his rebellion against God.  Can you imagine, of the billions of created angels 1/3 decided to follow lucifer.  This is an indication of his powers of persuasion.  Think about it, the angels in the very presence of God decide to follow the renegade in his folly...No wonder men are so blind today.  

All of these events occurred in eternity past, before mankind was created.  A period of perhaps millions of years.  So you see, this conflict between good and evil started long before man was even created.  How arrogant of men to think that they are the beginning of the battle.  But, mankind plays a vital role in the resolution of the conflict.  You see, men were created with the same ability to choose as the angels.  As the angels who fell chose against God and the angels who did not fall chose for God, so also mankind has a choice to make; and it is centered in the person of Jesus Christ.  When we as humans choose to believe in Christ then the fallen angel, who is the more intelligent creation, could have but did not.  And God is justified in sending that fallen angel to the lake of fire.  By the way, Hebrews ch. 2 tells us that a message of salvation was offered to the angelic host.  That means that sometime in eternity past, that 1/3 of the angels that chose against God had the opportunity to right the wrong decision they made.  We are not told specifically what the message of angelic salvation was but I would imagine it was centered in the person of Christ as well.  

So you see, life really is a battle.  You and I were born in the middle of the greatest conflict in the universe.  Is it any wonder that life on this planet is so messed up.  

Next time, we will look at the fall of man in the garden of Eden.    

Friday, November 7, 2008

A new leaf

I realized recently, by way of the Holy Spirit, that writing about politics is a waste of time. Therefore, unless I am led otherwise, I no longer plan to write anything related to politics. Instead, I want to make this blog a place of refuge for the downtrodden and hopeless. I want to talk about the Bible and the incredible story found there. A story that is true and happenning as I write.

At our church we are currently studying the "types of Christ in the Old Testament" on Sunday mornings and the book of Revelation on Wednesday nights. I have taught the types of Christ before yet I am amazed once again how much of the O.T. shadows Jesus Christ. A type is a foreshadowing of something. So types of Christ are shadows, signposts, arrows, etc. in the O.T. that point to the Messiah. It is important to remember that salvation in any dispensation of human history comes by way of Jesus Christ. In the O.T. the beliver looked forward to Messiah who would one day come to provide salvation to any and all who believe. So also in the c/a (the one we are in now) believers look back to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ (O.T. Messiah) and the salvation which He won. From the days of Adam salvation has always been by faith alone in Christ alone.

The Lord made me realize that there is plenty of talk on the internet about politics and all things worldly but not nearly enough about what really matters, that being, a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is much better for me to teach Bible doctrine on this blog instead of spouting about socialism and all that other stuff.

I think sometime in the next day or two I will begin with the Angelic conflict and go forward from there. My goal is to teach in such a way that it will seem more like reading a story as opposed to point by point. After all, God's story is one that is most awesome and interesting indeed. The Great and Holy God of creation, the King of the universe creates a race of beings known as angels. These angels have the ability to choose good or bad. All is wll until one chooses to put himself on a pedastal and become like God. Well, that is the beginning of the angelic conflict.

If you are interested visit again sometime.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hello O'bama, Goodbye America (if he wins)

For all you Obama supporters out there, you wanted change; you got it. I hope you all enjoy your life of servitude to the "glorious leader". He will lead you to the socialist utopia you all desire. At last, you can enjoy government healthcare, government retirement, government jobs, and higher taxes. Oh, and dont worry about America fighting on foreign shores anymore. Our new leader will "dialogue" with our enemies and invite them to sing Kumbaya around the campfire. And if anyone attacks us, he will try to discover the reasons why, make changes, and appease them.

And the best part is, you get to "cleanse" the masses who dont follow the glorious leader. Thats right, you get to participate and be a good citizen in getting rid of those who oppose the government. Your day has finally come....All those crazy Bible believing Christians will finally be dealt with. All those darn idiots who are preaching that Christ is the only way to Heaven. All those loony capitalists who believe in earning money and actually making more than someone else (the audacity), they will finally be sucked into the great socialist machine that America will beocme. And lets not forget your kids: They will become members of the "O'bama youth" and grow up learning and practiceing good socialist behavior. Karl Marx would be so proud of them..

Wow..what a life. How wonderful "change" is..

I wish this post was not true but I believe that it is. I honestly believe that within 4 years, the landscape that was the U.S.A. will be changed forever. The last Capatilist society on earth will have disappeared. But to end on a good note:

Never forget that Jesus Christ controls history. Nothing, absolutely nothing happens without His permission. Daniel 2.21 states, "It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives knowledge to men of understanding". Accordingly, we must never forget that absolutely everything that happens on this planet is a part of His Sovereign will. I LOVE IT....... If O'bama wins so be it. God is still in control.