Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Fish

In the months and years after the ascension of Jesus Christ Christians became targets of persecution.  To be a follower of “the way” as it was called was to invite possible arrest, torture, and death.  Therefore believers at that time developed a system of identification to determine if those they met were for them or against them.  This system was the picture of a fish with five Greek letters in the middle.  The letters represented words which said: Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior.  

Legend states that as people met in streets or other places a person would draw one line of the fish in the sand.  If the person they met drew the other line then each knew that the other was a believer.  Today this symbol is everywhere; bumper stickers, magnets, necklaces, bracelets, business cards websites etc..
The simple phrase, “Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior” sums up the good news of Jesus Christ to the world.  He is the Son of God who became a man who died for the sins of the human race and provided salvation to any who put faith in His finished work.  Simple, concise, to the point; faith alone in Christ alone. 
And that is the message today.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that simple.  But people try to make it complicated.  Thank God that Jesus Christ has done all that is necessary for salvation.  The only response that a person can make is faith alone in Christ alone.  Faith plus nothing.  Anything added to that simple message dishonors and discredits the Word of God, the Work of the Son, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Don’t take that on yourself.  Just believe and relax.      

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