Wednesday, January 23, 2008


The word "harpazo" is a Greek word that means "snatched away, saved from imminent danger". The word appears a handful of times in the New Testament. One of the passages in which it is used is 1 Thessolonians 4.17. The passage promises that Christians will be "caught up" and saved from imminent danger. The imminent danger from which we will be saved is the tribulation. The church will not go through the tribulation, period. We who are believers in the church age will be caught up into the clouds and meet Jesus Christ face to face. This is a promise found in the New Testament.

There are some who believe that the church will be raptured halfway through the tribulation. Others believe that the rapture will occur synonomous with the second coming of Christ at the end of the tribulation. Still others believe that Jesus will not come back until mankind makes it all right for Him to do so. However, when one interprets the Bible dispensationally and literally it becomes clear that the rapture will indeed take place 7 years prior to the second coming of Jesus Christ. The 7 years between the rapture and the second coming will be the tribulation. The tribulation will be the absolute worst time in all of human history. Billions will die and the earth will be ravished beyond comprehension. Jesus promised that if those days had not been shortened, no one would surive.

If you are a Christian and disagree with what I have said please write back. If you are a Christian and agree with what I have said please write back. If you are an unbeliever the only issue for you is to exercise faith in the Son of God, Believe, nothing else.

1 comment:

RKinney said...

So will we still be here when the antichrist steps on to the scene or will we already be gone? Do you think that the rapture will happen in our lifetime because the world is pretty bad right now and only seems to be getting worse. How bad will it get while we true christians are still here? Sorry i know that is kind of alot of questions but i am very curious.