Turn on the T.V. news any time during the day or night and it is almost guaranteed that at some point, there will be some kind of news about Israel. Threats, bombings, killings, kidnappings, all of it is part of daily life in the land of Israel. Everyone hates Israel. As of late even the leadership in the United States has turned a cold shoulder toward the nation of Israel. Iran and various
terrorist groups want the nation destroyed. Why?
Go back in history to the founding of the nation by Abraham and you will find people trying to take them out. 722 B.C., 586 B.C., 70 A.D., 135 A.D. and most recently during the 19th and 20th century some nation somewhere has taken Israel out; destroyed the nation. Yet still the Jewish race is here. There are still Jews who are alive and well today. Why?
Why do people all over the world hate Jews? Why are they always in the news? What is the big deal about Israel?
They are God's chosen people who will one day receive the benefits of the promises that God made to them. They will never go away because God promised that they would not. They will always be around now and forever. They made mistakes in the past for which God chastised them. The time is coming soon when things will get worse then ever for them but then God will set things straight because His Son, Jesus Christ, will return to make them so.
To all you enemies of Israel and the Jews. Get over it. Israel is going nowhere. Give it up, you will lose in the end. You will think that you have won but then you will be utterly destroyed.
What do Christians do about Israel? Is the nation at the present time apostate? Yup, sure is. Are Christians supposed to blow them off and do nothing? Nope, we are to pray for the Jews and the nation of Israel. Think about it. What does the Word of God command us to do for those who do not believe? Pray that they may become believers and see the light of the Gospel of Truth. What better people and nation to pray for then the Jews and the land of Israel. The promise of Genesis 12.3 still stands, God said to Abraham, "I will curse those who curse you and bless those who bless you". Pretty cut and dry to me. Support Israel and all is well. Don't support Israel and all will not be well.