Thursday, February 26, 2009

Enough is Enough

The message below was written by a long time family friend, the Reverend Dr. James Brettell. Dr. Brettell met my dad in 1962 on the island of Trinidad. At that time, both of them were in the Navy. My dad was the Chaplain on the Navy base in Trinidad, Dr. Brettell was a Navy Corpsman. Dr. Brettell became a believer in Jesus Christ under my dad's ministry.

Dr. Brettell prefers to be addressed as Dr. Jim.

Dr. Jim wrote the message below. Please read it. I pray that everyone who reads it will comprehend the truth of what he writes.

Beloved friends,

Enough is enough. I have sent the following e-mail to my Congress-persons. Many in Congress have gone to Web-mail rather than e-mail, and some you would like to send to cannot be reached. If you are not in their district it’s nigh impossible to contact them without going through the U.S. mail, calling them by phone, or faxing them. My e-mail follows. It represents my thoughts as a citizen, who just happens to be a Christian and a Pastor.

Resting in Him,

Dr. Jim


Beloved Congress-person:

I am 74 years old. I am a born-again Christian, a Pastor-Teacher, teaching God’s Holy Word to any who will hesitate long enough to listen. However, I write to you as a citizen of the United States. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican. I am a conservative by choice. I am not persuaded by conservative talk-show hosts. I am an independent thinker. I need no one to tell me what to think or how to think. I am able to do that on my own. I have done so; I am doing so; and I’m quite disturbed.

I have given 9 years of my life in service to my country in the United States Navy. I served at the Naval Hospital in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, about a quarter of a mile from the now infamous prison. I have been inside that prison as a free-world sailor – but back around 1959, and that was before our President, Barack Obama, was born.

Barack Obama is my President. I will honor him as such, but I reserve the right to disagree with him – and contrary to popular opinion, if I happen to disagree with him, that does not make me a racist.

In addition, you, too, are an elected official responsible to represent your constituency. You were not elected to “vote your conscience,” although that idea is stated by many in your position. You are there to represent me and/or your constituents.

Are you blind? Do you suffer from spiritual myopia? Can you not see where this nation is headed? To this latter question, it appears that the answer is “No.”

If there is any truth to the following paragraph, I am overwhelmed with grief. I am not a violent man. I have not ulterior motives; but two weeks or so ago, I told my wife that I believe we are headed for a tax rebellion in this country. Lo, about a week later I learned that someone was being interviewed on the radio in the State of Arkansas and the one being interviewed had already collected 2,000 signatures in support of a tax rebellion. A few days later, I heard of another person somewhere on the east coast doing the same thing. Get it clear in your mind, there is opposition mounting out here at the grass roots level the likes of which you are not going to appreciate. It’s beginning. It’s here. It’s on the scene, and those of you in position of leadership had better get your eyes open and your heads on straight. You are either politically and economically naïve – I would hate you use the word ignorant – however, if that word describes you as an individual as someone who “just doesn’t get-it,” I suppose it would not hurt to use it.

Let's review some of our President’s most recent actions since he was inaugurated:

* His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.

* His first one on one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.

* He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.

* He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.

* He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.

* Now, we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.

On another thought -- throw-in the following:

“H.R. 40: Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act”

You’ve got to be kidding me. I have read the entire text of H.R. 40. I had nothing to do with slavery in this country. No one alive today had anything to do with slavery in this country; and you are going to spend 8 million dollars to study whether or not the U.S. Government should apologize for slavery that ended in 1865. Excuse me. How ignorant do you think I and others are out here at the grass roots level? And you’re going to consider whether people alive today should receive some form of remuneration for something that ended in 1865. Excuse me once again.

Some of the highest paid people in this country are African-Americans – just check the pay-checks of contemporary athletes.

What about black advancement in all arenas of life: The President of the United States, Congressmen and Congresswomen, Supreme Court Judges, Cabinet Officers, Governors of States, Mayors of Cities, professional athletes, college professors, school teachers, military officers at the highest level, radio and television personalities, and we could go on and on. Give me a break, sirs. Don’t talk to me about discrimination. Life is tough, and then you die. The problem in our country is not discrimination. We have a morality problem – and it’s rampant among all races and permeates our entire society from the halls of Congress to the streets of the smallest city in the U.S. Shall we begin by listing some examples in the halls of Congress? Oh, excuse me. I forgot. Government leaders forget, and are absolved of guilt. It’s me that goes to jail for the same “oversight.” Sorry, a mental lapse on my part. Is it any wonder that government official’s approval rating is so low – and plummeting about as fast as DOW Jones.

The housing crisis and the banking crisis in this country was not caused by that “fumbling/bumbling” George Bush. You’ll find the source of the problem with the “group” that forced banks to loan money to people who didn’t qualify and could pay. Hhhhmmmmm???? I wonder who that “group” that was?

I have a prediction – and we’ll see just how free my speech really is. The present liberal bias in our country will last four years – just long enough for President Barack Obama and our present liberal Congress to completely destroy the freedoms of the people they were elected to serve. Keynesian economics will destroy capitalism and the free-market economy. Government will seek to control every area of our lives. The conservative element in our country will react with such things as tax rebellion and strong rhetoric that the liberals of this country will seek to put-down or silence – by legislation or other means. It won’t work. There are those out here who will once again die for their personal freedom. I am one of them. Death is the only way to completely stifle personal freedom and shut the mouths of opposition. Don’t think for a minute that the thought of being put to death to preserve the personal freedom guaranteed by our Constitution is a hasty and irrational thought. I had already penned this thought, and lo, just yesterday, I learned of a popular blog site where someone had written a statement that went like this: “How can we get rid of them?” – meaning the conservative element in this country – not the ones who hate government or hate government officials, but the ones that loathe government and government officials whose mind-set seeks control.

Here’s my prediction: You will see a rise of rhetorical opposition to Presidential and Congressional liberalism. That opposition will come from the conservative side of America. The liberals will be thrown-out of office in four years and supplanted by renewed and vigorous conservatives, and when the political and economic pendulum swings back toward conservativism, the liberal element of America will head for the streets in revolution that will approximate civil war. I’m talking about blood in the streets – not invasion from outside, but American against American – freedom haters against freedom lovers. Can you not see it coming? Or don’t you really care?

I am opposed to the so-called “stimulus” bill. I refer to it as “economic Viagra” – a poor substitute for the real deal.

I am asking you to consider the Constitution that you swore to uphold, and you can begin by voting to get government out-of-the-business of the peoples of America. You are sworn to protect us, not from ourselves, but from outside aggressors. GET OUT OF OUR BUSINESS. The ship-of-State is sinking, and those of you in Congress are a huge part of the problem. Get-it-together or you’ll sink with the ship you are sinking.

I, as a citizen of the United States, will support you when I believe you are right, BUT I, as a citizen of the United States, will oppose your thinking when I believe you are wrong. I will pray that God will give you the moral courage to stand against Congressional decisions that oppress the freedoms of the grass-roots American – people just like me.

In closing, you ought to see what has happened to my wife’s 401K after 40 years of work in the corporate world – and George Bush is not and was not the problem. Perhaps Congress needs to look in the mirror.


Jim Brettell

(private citizen)

P.S. And please, do not have one of your staff members respond with a computerized response that does not address anything I have said in this e-mail. Thank you for this consideration.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Words Are Important

There is an online journal that I read on a regular basis at:  
When you get a chance, please read the article on the site dated 02/23/09.

Choices are everywhere.  Say for example I want to buy some cough medicine for a cough.  I go to the store and discover that there are dozens of brands of cough medicine.  Not only are there many different manufacturers but I can choose different flavors; grape, cherry, lemon etc..  On top of that I can choose if I want the drowsy or non-drowsy formula.  How about breakfast cereal? Need I say more..  Choices are everywhere.

Now, with the idea of choices in mind I urge you to visit a book store sometime soon and look at Bibles.  You will discover dozens of choices.  There is the King James version, the New International version, the New American Standard Bible, the Living translation, the Message...these barely scratch the surface of what is available for purchase.  And among these different versions there is a further division of translations and paraphrases.  A translation generally stays close to the original language of the Bible (Hebrew, Greek) whereas a paraphrase attempts to make the Bible "more readable", that is easier to understand.  

In the article above the importance of words becomes crystal clear.  The most vital thing on this planet is the Word of God.  The Bible is the road map for life.  It is the document that God has placed in the hands of believers for the church age.  Jesus is not currently walking among us.  We do not call down fire from Heaven as Elijah did.  We live by the Word of God (the Bible) under the direction of the indwelling Holy Spirit.  Therefore, Words Are Important.

Read the article, it is short and right on the money.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pay Attention

I grow weary of the Governmental malarkey.  I am sick of both parties, both of them have lost the identity of who they are and what they represent.  What happened to "Representative Republic", where did that form of government go...?  Since when have we become a "Democracy"..what a crock..A democracy by definition is "mob rule", nothing more.  Our leaders (do they have any idea what true leadership looks like?) think they know what is best. They think that MORE government will solve our problems.  They think that taking away our right to bear arms, and our right to free speech, will make America a better place....And please don't call me a "right wing wacko" because I mention "the right to bear arms" and "freedom of speech".  Tell me....Mr. government knows what is best.....what will you do when the bad guy comes?  Will you "dialogue" with him...will you "threaten him with a lawsuit" as he does whatever he pleases?

Guess what....I will shoot him with my gun or I will kick his criminal a&^ to sleep, but I will win.

PAY ATTENTION AMERICA.....our government DOES NOT have your best interest in mind. They have THEIR AGENDA in mind, nothing more.  

You can call me whatever you want...but, I challenge you, four years from now to ask yourself...Do I, as an individual American, have more freedom than I did four years ago?

Mark it down..the date is 02/18/09.  Four years from are things?  

Four years from now I may be dead, or raptured, or incarcerated, or an invalid, or doing what I'm doing now, or any number of things...but whoever reads this..ask yourself.  Am I "more free" or "less free" today, than I was four years ago.

What is "Freedom".  Freedom is the ability to make your own choices without the intrusion of ANYONE OR ANYTHING.  Socialized ANYTHING from the government is an INFRINGEMENT on your freedom, BEWARE of the enemy at the gates.

And pay attention to the subtle things.  Not the obvious, but the subtle.  Evil creeps....It does not attack unless it knows it has the advantage.  It the meantime, it creeps. moves in, its goal being to make you, or society "compromise" until the line between right and wrong becomes blurred.  And when it has made you or society "compromise" it attacks and kills.....

Our government, for the last 100 years (at least) has been "sneak attacked" by the enemy. When America becomes 100% dependant on the government for ANYTHING...then America is no longer a free nation.

Mark It Down People.